Permission is granted to use all songs on this website in the context of worship. Scores and chord charts can be shared as needed with song leaders and with your congregation.
For all other use, such as making recordings for sale or including this music in song collections, please contact me to request permission.
For sake of building relationships, please drop me a note if your congregation is using this music. It's always nice to hear where the music is being used, and its an encouragement to keep writing.
Blessings to you and the worshiping life of your congregation.
For all other use, such as making recordings for sale or including this music in song collections, please contact me to request permission.
For sake of building relationships, please drop me a note if your congregation is using this music. It's always nice to hear where the music is being used, and its an encouragement to keep writing.
Blessings to you and the worshiping life of your congregation.